Events Calendar
Summer Concerts in the Park
Thursday 14 July 2022, 06:30pm
Hits : 1567
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Locals and visitors look forward to this free concert series each year, with shows starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Tate-Evans Town Park Amphitheater. Outstanding local and regional bands play fun dance music suitable for all ages, from Southern Rock to Oldies and Soul/Funk. Food vendors are on site and there is a raffle to support the series.
No pets allowed in the concert area.
Some tips and answers to FAQs: Small picnic coolers are allowed and please make sure all beverages are in plastic cups. Chairs or a blanket are recommended and may be laid out on the morning of the concert. The shows start at 6:30 p.m.; arrival at 6 p.m. is suggested to find parking. Bug repellant is not usually necessary here in the High Country; but it never hurts to have it, just in case.
Location Banner Elk Chamber of Commerce Tate-Evans Park 210 Park Avenue
No pets allowed in the concert area.
Some tips and answers to FAQs: Small picnic coolers are allowed and please make sure all beverages are in plastic cups. Chairs or a blanket are recommended and may be laid out on the morning of the concert. The shows start at 6:30 p.m.; arrival at 6 p.m. is suggested to find parking. Bug repellant is not usually necessary here in the High Country; but it never hurts to have it, just in case.
Location Banner Elk Chamber of Commerce Tate-Evans Park 210 Park Avenue