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Local Burn Ban in Effect – Watauga County

Due to persistent hazardous fire conditions the North Carolina Forestry Service has issued a
Burn Ban for the entire State including Watauga County. In addition to the State Burn Ban, the Watauga
County Fire Marshal's Office has issued a concurrent ban for all open burning within 100′ of a structure
in accordance with the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code Section 307.1.1 which states “open burning
shall be prohibited when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous.” The
local ban shall run concurrently for the duration of the North Carolina Forestry Service Burning Ban.

As a reminder, during this time ALL opening burning permits are cancelled. Any fires needed for
cooking or heating must be within containers or appliances designed for the purpose (i.e. a grill).
Violation of this ban will result in a $100 fine per offense. If you have any questions please contact our
office at 828-264-4235.