Watauga High Playmakers win in national theater competition in Baltimore
The Watauga High Playmakers have wrapped up their original play SURGE in award-winning fashion. Competing for the final time, this time in Baltimore at the Southeast Theater Conference (SETC), the Pioneers came away with the most awards that Watauga has won at SETC.
Watauga High School was selected as Outstanding Ensemble, which was the only ensemble acting award given. The Playmakers also earned the only award for original play composition.
Clara Lappan, Liliana Lemus and Kyleigh Hogan were awarded best song composition and named to the “All Star Acting Team”.
“We're ridiculously proud of this ensemble. When we say “they represented NC beautifully,” we mean it from the bottom of hearts. How lucky are we to take this SURGE journey with them, for you, for all of the High Country.”-Sarah Miller, co-director of SURGE.
A documentary about SURGE is being put together, WataugaOnline will share that information when it is available.
The Playmakers earned the honor or representing Watauga High and North Carolina in Baltimore after winning at the Regional North Carolina Theatre Conference (NCTC) competition and the State NCTC competition.