BOONE, NC – In an ongoing effort to track real-time conditions for local businesses as recovery from the impacts of Hurricane Helene continue, the Watauga County Economic Development Commission released its fourth monthly Business Snapshot Report, which highlights activity for the month of February 2025.
These monthly reports provide data on the state of business in Watauga County, with a focus on current concerns, performance toward revenue expectations, and ability to meet staffing needs among its core analysis.
“Unfortunately, this reporting period saw our lowest number of participants yet. We know that businesses are busy, and these surveys can feel redundant, but the data collected is essential toward helping lawmakers and policy advocates understand the economic conditions in our area.” said Joe Furman, Director of Economic Development for the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce.
“Despite the lower number of entries, we are seeing some of the same established trends. Business revenue continues to trend down year-over-year, but fortunately we have seen a lessening of the sharp impacts upon earned revenue. Businesses continue to report reliable revenue streams and overall economic stability as their top concerns for the fifth consecutive month. Over two-thirds of the businesses reported a failure to meet their revenue expectations. We have heard these stories from businesses across multiple sectors over the last month, and the numbers back up those points. Again, with more participation in future surveys, we will feel better about the accuracy of these trends across the county.”
The February data set included 16 respondents that reported on their February 2025 performance, with 10 participants having also participated in a previous reporting period. Businesses also answered questions about their sales activity around the Presidents Day weekend.
Among key statistics from the February 2025 report:
- Of businesses surveyed, 75% reported an employee count between 1-25.
- When asked to rate the current state of their business, 56% of respondents answered at a level of 5 or lower.
- Overall financial stability (31%) and reliable revenue stream (31%) remain tied for the top two answers regarding current concerns about their business.
- 69% of respondents said their business failed to meet revenue expectations for February 2025. Of those respondents, 71% reported a February year-over-year loss of 0-25%.
- When asked if they anticipated improvements to their business conditions over the next six months, 69% said they expect conditions to improve, up 5% from last month, while31% expect conditions to remain the same.
In addition to the monthly data points, the following information was collected about sales during the Presidents Day Weekend:
When asked about sales performance over the holiday weekend:
- 25% of respondents reported the same or better sales than last year while 58% reported less sales than last year.
When asked about visitor traffic over the holiday weekend:
- 21% of respondents reported more customer traffic than last year’s MLK weekend, with 71% reporting less traffic than the previous year.
When asked about the overall impact of the Presidents Day holiday weekend:
- 48% of respondents reported a neutral impact, 25% reported a positive impact, 32% reported a negative or extremely negative impact.
The Watauga EDC will continue to conduct this study each month through October 2025. Businesses of all types inside the Watauga County limits are encouraged to participate and can have monthly survey links sent to them directly by sending a request to
Participants remain anonymous during the process and are only asked to identify their industry for data analysis purposes. Watauga EDC and the Boone Area and Blowing Rock Chambers of Commerce will use this data in their advocacy to policy makers and elected officials in seeking additional support for relief.
For more information on the Watauga Economic Development Commission, please contact Joe Furman at